kašte 0 karleðen
kāšteju kārleðen
Learning Resources
Gemini 0 ryač ðy kašte 0 šaþkarleðen. ni
ryňaunen kaþ euðeň & prokaza & 0 karleðen sunčoro eþ.
Geminiju rāčði kāšteju šaþkārleðen. ni
rygaūnenuþ joðāgi & progāza & ju kārleðen eþ sūnčo.
Most of the learning resources are hosted on the Gemini capsule. You
can access resources for both Euðeň and Progāza with these links:
prokaza - progāza - Progāza - https://dublu.net/kashte/proganese
prokaza 0 kyos karleðenri ðaþa - progāzaju kos kārleðenri ðaþā - New learning resources are being worked on for Progāza - https://ijeda.dublu.net/learn/pro/index.html